Work with me

There are three ways to work with me. Each program is designed to bring you closer to your goals and a more fulfilling life. Ultimately your destiny is in your own hands, I help you uncover it and find the path of least resistance to creating your new reality.


Foundations for fUlfillmemt

For a FIFO Mum, we have all the pressures and responsibilities of life, sometimes we lose sight of who we are and what we actually need to be happy and take the control back in our life. With small steps and a concrete plan, I will hold your hand every step of the way giving constructive guidance and assistance to create the life you want to live and that you are excited about.


Coaching for the modern woman

When there are times you just don't know where you are headed and that sense of direction with a vision is imperative to awaken our mind to the endless possibilities on the other side of the door. We all have blind spots and that extra help to move forward or even a nudge to step sideways before you can move forwards is where I come in.


Free uncover session

During this free session, I will help you uncover your burning desires and create a fool-proof template to acheive these not only at a physical level but also mentally and emotionally. We will:

  • Define what areas need attention

  • Pave a clear plan forward

  • Work out strategies to gain outcomes


Foundations for fulfillment


Are you fearful of the future?

Does poor communication, anxiety, frustration rule your life? If every day is a struggle to balance home, family and work commitments, struggling to come up for air. If you have lost your sense of self and quite literally have no time to carve out quality time for yourself or partner.

It is time to take back your control and escape the daily chaos and rat race.

Now is the time to make a change

Do you have a three year plan or a seven year plan? Are you quite literally blinking and the days are flying by without any planning or control on your part?

Let’s work together to:

  • Bring you a greater sense of clarity

  • Identify your true purpose

  • Strengthen your circle of influence

  • Take back control of the chaos

You are in charge of your own destiny. I will support you on this journey of self discovery, as you define your own version of success, get tools and strategies to help manage the chaos and transform your every day. Sessions can be tailored to 6 sessions for $720 or 10 sessions for $1160 fortnightly or weekly, using Zoom or in person if you live in the vicinity of Dunsborough, Western Australia.

Working with Corrie has not only changed the way I think about my life but has encouraged me to take a leap into what I thought was just a dream. With her coaching I have achieved what I thought would take a whole year or more in the space of only a few months. I can not recommend her enough, she is absolutely amazing.
— Aiden Wright


Coaching for the modern woman

A strong foccus on your career is important but you may not be happy with your current role or even the company you are working for. A Life Coach works the same way as a Sports Coach in that I will help outline any areas that need attention, focus on improvement and construct a vision that you are excited about. We will work out a simple and effective plan to get you to where you want to go as quickly as possible assessing any areas of your life that are holding you back from acheiving your version of success. Get ready to start driving the life you want.

Now is the time to acheive your hopes, desires and dreams…

Do you have big hopes for the future, but they always seem just beyond your grasp?

You’ve come to the right place! We will work together to:

  • Get in touch with your true values and working towards a career that ticks all the boxes

  • Manage the overwhelm and chaos of the day to day

  • Change the way you think and manage your mindset to open up endless opportunities

  • Sessions can be tailored to 6 sessions for $720 or 10 sessions for $1160 fortnightly or weekly, using Zoom or in person if you live in the vicinity of Dunsborough, Western Australia.

Life Coaching sessions with Corrie were an investment into my goals. The process helped me clarify what is really important to me and brought simple steps into focus to make things happen. Corrie’s caring and switched-on guidance was really helpful.
— Leah Holmes


Free Uncover Session


ARe you drowning in constant questions, Not sure where to start?

The uncover session is for you!

In these 30 minutes we work together to:

  • Find out from you what needs attention

  • With clarity and a unified direction move towards your goals

  • Concrete strategies to maintain motivation to acheive outcomes

You will leave our session feeling empowered and excited!